Sunday 10 June 2018


In the Indian sub continent, nature has bestowed a vibrant climate that includes the hot and cold seasons that are separated by monsoons that generally dominate in the midyear. These seasons form the basis of life and living and of course the agriculture cycles here. 
However, with such varied spectrum of climate in our subcontinent, the transitions from one to other presents a challenge for the populace that has to cope up with the difference in temperature and humidity conditions. 
Despite being native to such topography and its climate, the inhabitants here suffer from various disorders related to their health. 
Monsoon, in particular, brings in more number of health issues for the common people because the humidity index peaks after falling of initial showers on hot dry earth! The pathogens find conducive environment therefore. 
Ayurvedic experts counsel Panchakarma treatment as part of the karkataka chikitsa that has been specifically developed for monsoon time ailments.
Why seek karkataka chikitsa in monsoon?
Ayurveda, the ancient traditional medicine system from the land of India has been backed by a very authentic knowledge base that was accumulated through the works of sages for centuries. This body of medical knowledge also touched upon the necessary subject of monsoon time diseases that affected people of this region. The ayurvedacharyas developed ‘karkataka chikitsa’ that was a dedicated field towards offering the resurrections against the imbalances caused in three primary doshas – vata, pitta and kapha in the monsoon period. They found a generic reason for the disturbance in these three doshas! Vata dosha, according to them peaks during the summer because the toxins keep accumulating in the body tissues. When the rain falls on hot earth, then it causes the development of acidity in the vegetables and other produce and this, in turn, causes pitta aggravation. The kapha aggravation is pronounced at the height of monsoon when the temperature falls rapidly due to excess rains and cloudiness! 
Various diseases, therefore, develop in the body and Panchakarma treatment has been counseled as for the mechanism towards re-balancing the three aggravated doshas!
The components of karkataka chikitsa –
The karkataka chikitsa has been developed with the fundamental objective of detoxification of the body. Therefore we find the dominance of the concept of Panchakarma treatment in this chikitsa! Another subsidiary dimension of relevance and significance is that of immunity strengthening so that the external pathogens find strong buffer while affecting the body. Main components of karkataka chikitsa include the following –
This is a kind of massage which is done with medicated oils and forms the main part of the vata dosha treatment. This abhayangam massage is very helpful in vata related disorders like arthritis and spondilysis!
This is a heat treatment and could be of the following subtypes –
1. Patrapotli swedana – a bolus of sliced herbs’ leaves is made and dipped in medicated oil to offer the heat treatment.
2. Ruksha swedana – dry heat treatment is delivered in this type of swedana
This is the enema procedure and medicated decoctions are administered to clear the toxins from the gut. It is an important part of Panchakarma treatment.
Diet precautions
Diet precautions as part of karkataka chikitsa are also equally important! Avoid these –
Leafy vegetables
Dry meat products
Sour products like curd
Sea foods
Fermented foods
Bitter tasting foods
With these treatments, the monsoon ailments can be kept at bay while the doshas imbalance can be also corrected!

Friday 6 April 2018

         Effects of Sun on your Hair

Dodging the Sun in shadows or donning a scarf isn’t the answer - understanding the real problem is! The Sun has both good and bad effects on your hair - it is up to you to balance the amount of Sun you & your hair gets.

Let’s start with The Good. Vitamin D: 
It is common knowledge that the Sun is one of the most natural dealers of Vitamin D. Your hair needs this to prevent hair loss, amongst other things. So go on and soak it up one sunrise at a time.
Moving on the The Bad. Hydrolipidic Film: 
Your scalp is naturally coated with a hydrolipidic film, that fights against external bacteria. Too much sun can unfortunately damage this film (like it does to your skin).
Getting down to The Ugly. Epithelial cells: These little ladies are the cells working in the hair growth department. They are, however, sensitive to the UV light emitted by the Sun. UV rays deplete levels of Vitamin E and C in these cells, and that just doesn’t go down well with them.
The Solutions
There is a way to combat the bad and the ugly. We have them right here!
Oil strengthens your scalp’s natural security system – scalp as well as hair strands! So oil your hair nicely (Psst…moms are great at this). Jasmine-infused coconut oil especially does the trick – the antioxidants in jasmine oil protect you against the sun, and the fragrance doesn't hurt either!
Drink, drink, drink like a fish. Water keeps your hair hydrated (from the inside). So make sure you get plenty of it!
You need Vitamin C, D and E. Either take your vitamins via supplements, or eat foods rich in vitamins, and keep your scalp oiled with jasmine infused-coconut oil. (The antioxidants in jasmine oil protect you against the Sun - and the fragrance doesn't hurt, either!)
Don’t let the Sun take your sunshine away! Go outdoors and embrace it.
  • The Sun creates a lasting impact on your hair – both good and bad.
  • While the rays allow for a boost in Vitamin D, they also can damage the scalp.
  • The solution isn’t to avoid the Sun entirely – it is to hydrate your hair from the inside with natural oils.

Tuesday 13 March 2018

Ayurvedic Treatment In Diabetes:
Treatment of diabetes is for the most part in view of the contribution of doshas and the individual's prakruti.
Treatment for the most part includes
- Herbal
- Panchakarma (body decontamination strategy)
- Dietary changes
- Way of life changes for sound way of life Practice yoga and

In Ayurveda taking after Herbs are useful to keep up sugar levels Haridra, jambhulbeej, madhunashini, karvellak, bilva, guduchi, aamlaki, tulshi, latakaranj beej, saptachakra, shuddha guggul, saptaparna, kutaj, shilajit, and so forth.

Panchakarma is Ayurveda's essential refinement and detoxification treatment.
In ayurveda panchakarma systems like basti and virechana are said in treatment of DM.
It is valuable to keep up glucose levels
These panchakarma are additionally valuable in confusions of DM.

In Type 1 and Type 2 diabetic patients can get all advantage from the unwinding impacts of abhyang treatment.
Everybody realizes that living with diabetes includes a specific measure of stress. Furthermore, this anxiety tends to raise glucose levels.
Abhyang is helpful in soothing anxiety, notwithstanding for pre-diabetics. It is helpful in unwinding muscles and, all of which results it might be said of prosperity. This enhances flow which additionally causes expanded glucose retention and the measure of insulin required for weakened glucose levels likewise diminished.
Swedan to adjust the doshas, sweda or cured home grown steam shower opens the pores and flushes and purges the framework through skin and the poisons are discharged through sweat.

Basti for diabetics

One of the fundamental methodology of Panchakarma Chikitsa, Basti karma focuses on the end of poisons of the body through the rectum. The treatment includes the presentation of Therapeutic substances, for example, sedated oil and decoctions in a fluid medium into the butt-centric area of the patient by utilizing elastic catheter under the supervision of master specialist.

Virechana is cured purgation treatment which expels poisons from the body that are collected in the liver and gallbladder. In this strategy for detoxification and sanitization, the doshas are evacuated as excrement through the rectum. After ghrutpan laxative solutions given to the patient orally which help to cut down the doshas. It totally purifies the gastro-intestinal tract. It is a sheltered strategy without reactions. Advantages of Virechana help to treat Diabetes, Digestive issue, Constipation, Hyperacidity.

Disclaimer- Above information is not by any referral book or text book. This is our act to give our experienced information about health to a common man in his own language.

Sunday 11 February 2018

Neethi Shathaka, an ancient classical text book on Ayurveda says

                                  ‘Sarvendriyanam nayanam pradhanam‘.

In other words, Ayurveda considers the eye as the most important sense organ. This is because most of our daily activities are dependent on vision.

The Ayurvedic therapy for maintaining perfect eye health is Netra Tarpana.

"Netra" means eye, and "Tarpana" means nourishment.

The word Netra Tarpana means "nourishment for the eye".

Benefits of Netra Tarpana

Netra Tarpana has both curative and preventative effects. It’s indicated in Vata predominant conditions, atrophies, degeneration and even in visual defects.

During this process, warm medicated ghee is held in place over the eye for a period of 20-40 minutes.

Common medicated ghee is used for the process. The quantity of ghee to be used is such that it completely covers the eyelashes.

Practically, the duration of retention of the Tarpana ghee is 20 – 40 minutes, starting with 20 minute and gradually increasing in duration.

Commonly used medicines for Tarpana

Jivanthiya ghrita, Triphala ghrita, Sathahwadi Tarpana ghrita, Kakolyadi gana ghrita and others are common medicated ghees used in this treatment.

Friday 2 February 2018


          Consider the human body as an inverted tree. The roots are at the top and the branches point downwards. The head of the human body will be the root of this tree. The central portion of the body made up of the thorax and abdomen will be the trunk of this tree and the limbs, both upper and lower, will be the branches of this tree.
         Just like the roots nurture and control all the activities and well being of the tree, the head is the operational center of the entire body. It controls the function of the brain and spinal cord. It has many marmas or vital points and is the house of the master endocrine gland, the pituitary. It is one of the seats of Vata dosha (Prana Vata in particular) and also houses subtypes of Kapha dosha (tarpak kapha) and Pitta dosha (sadhak pitta).
         Note: The seat of sadhak Pitta, a subtype of Pitta dosha, is considered Hridaya which translated to English is ‘heart’. But in Ayurveda, Hidaya encompasses both heart and brain. So the head, which houses the brain, also becomes a seat of sadhak Pitta.
         Through the respective nerve centers in the brain, the head also controls the sense of hearing, smell, taste and sight.
         So as the three dosha are represented in the head region, any vitiation in the dosha can cause respective disorders with widespread repercussions in the whole body. Here shirodhara, through use of various mediums like oils, ghee and buttermilk, pacifies these dosha and works on the entire body indirectly.
         Shirodhara will make the head region strong so that the entire body works smoothly.

Sunday 14 January 2018

Beat The Bloat And Water Retention:

Carrying around excess water in your body can leave you feeling unpleasantly bloated and shabby. Whether you’re looking for an overnight 24-hour quick-fix or have a few days or a week to lose that water weight, there are ways to do it without much fuss. Most of them involve dietary changes and tweaks that are easy to incorporate and should start showing results soon.

Water Retention Or Edema Causes Heaviness And Makes Clothes Feel Tight.

Edema or water retention can cause swelling in various parts of the body as a result of excess fluid in your body tissues. You’ll also feel a heaviness or fullness in the legs and arms. The water weight can make your clothes or jewellery feel too tight and cause discomfort. Even your skin might begin to feel tight or warm due to the swelling. It may cause some pain and a decline in the range of motion in affected joints.

Not sure if the swelling is due to water weight? Just press firmly on a swollen body part – if it leaves a dent where you pressed it is likely to be due to an edema.

This water retention can be the result of a range of problems that include heart, liver, or vascular/circulatory problems. Women may see fluid retention around the time of their monthly menstrual period or when they are pregnant. But it can also happen when you sit or stand for great lengths of time without moving much. You might notice this happening to you after a long haul flight or after a long day’s work where you’ve been sitting or standing all day.

Use These Tips But Also Investigate Underlying Cause:

1. Cut Down Sodium Intake To Shed Excess Water

Most modern diets have a lot of sodium intake – far more than is needed. You’ll find sodium in packaged soups, canned food, frozen meals, condiments like sauces, pickles, and seasonings. Plus, of course, in more obviously salty foods like packaged potato chips and fast food. Unfortunately, having very high levels of sodium in the body causes your body to retain more water to compensate and keep the balance of water to electrolytes. This causes your blood pressure to rise and raises the risk of stroke and heart disease.

The simplest way to drop water weight? Simply cut out these kinds of high-sodium foods from your diet and monitor your intake even in your fresh cooked meals.

2. Get Adequate Magnesium To Prevent PMS-Related Water Weight Gain

Magnesium is another mineral that needs to be present in the body in the right amounts to ensure the optimal balance of electrolytes and fluid. Magnesium is especially relevant in the context of water weight for women. That’s because it has a pivotal role during the woman’s menstrual cycle in warding off classic premenstrual syndrome symptoms (PMS) like mood swings and fluid retention.

Consume magnesium-rich foods like almonds, spinach, black beans, edamame, avocado, or yogurt for water weight loss results.

3.Increase Potassium Intake To Moderate Sodium Levels

Potassium too can restore the balance of electrolytes in the body, especially from high sodium intake. If you have a potassium restricted diet, it will cause your body to compensate by conserving sodium. As the body holds on to more sodium, it will also need to retain more water to keep the body fluid concentration right. And that translates to increased water weight.

If you want to lose this water weight, ensure you are having potassium enough to compensate for your sodium intake. The increased potassium can increase your urine production, helping you lose that excess water weight. Intake of potassium can be obtained through foods like spinach, broccoli, baked potato with the skin on, bananas, tomatoes, and quinoa.

4. Cut Down Carbohydrates To Reduce Glycogen And Insulin Linked Water Weight

Carbohydrates are probably already on the chopping block if you’re trying to knock off excess weight. But did you know that your carbohydrate intake could also be causing you to hold more water in the body? Carbs are usually stored in your liver and muscles as glycogen and this has a tendency to pull water.

In addition, carbohydrates, especially refined ones, cause insulin levels in the body to rise. Insulin causes a rise in sodium levels, which in turn leads to re-absorption of water by your kidneys – and that dreaded water weight or bloat.

5. Get Adequate Protein To Prevent Fluid Accumulation In Tissues

A protein deficiency too could contribute to water accumulation in the body. Serum albumin, a type of protein found in your blood maintains a form of pressure (oncotic) that causes water to be drawn into the blood. In doing so, it prevents excess water from accumulating in your tissues.
According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, you should get 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of your body weight every day.

6. Get Moving And Exercise To Sweat Out The Water

Sitting still for lengths of time or even standing without moving much for long hours can cause you to develop edema or swelling as fluid pools in your body’s extremities, especially the ankles and feet. Physical activity plays an important role when it comes to losing this kind of water weight. By getting up and moving, you boost your circulation and sweat out some of that extra water from your body.

7. Have Ayurvedic Remedies To Balance Water Weight Issues

Ayurveda views edema as a problem that can afflict all the three body doshas or types. Herbal remedies recommended for treating this water retention are:

  • Gokshura or Tribulus terrestris
  • Ashwagandha or Withania somnifera
  • Punarnavasava

The use of dandelion, coriander, and sarsaparilla is suggested as well. It is also recommended that you avoid dry foods like corn as well as sodas, salt/salty foods, high sugar foods, and high sodium foods.

8. Practice Yoga To Reduce Fluid Retention And Lose Weight

Yoga is a great way to get fit, tone up your body, and even lose weight. But it can also help with water weight by easing edema or fluid retention. Here are asanas you should focus on to do this:

  • Shirshasana or headstand doesn’t just reduce edema, but also boosts your circulation in general, which can then ease swelling.
  • Surya  namaskar or sun salutation can help reduce swelling, pooling of blood, and edema or fluid retention.
  • Supta  virasana or reclining hero pose can reduce your tendency to develop excessive water retention.
  • Viparita karani or legs-up-the-wall pose is a mild inversion that can help keep your lymph moving and ease fluid retention or swelling.
9. Have Elachi (Cardamom) To Purge Excess Water

Cardamom is a natural diuretic that ayurveda has employed as a digestive aid and natural diuretic for centuries. Animal studies have found its effectiveness comparable to commercial manufactured diuretic medication. Exact dosage and the form in which you consume it will depend on your age, health, weight, and other factors and will need to be suggested by a Ayurvedic Viadya. The powdered seed will need to be taken with a juice or in blends with other medicinal herbs.

10. Try Natural Diuretic Methi (Fenugreek Seeds) For Improved Spleen Function:

Another spice cupboard remedy, exotic fenugreek seeds are also useful for losing water weight besides helping digestion. The seeds help stimulate spleen and liver function, preventing water retention. Like cardamom, it is also a natural diuretic. Soak about a tablespoon of fenugreek seeds in a cup of water for a couple of hours and have this once or twice a day. You can also add fenugreek seed powder to your cooking.

Seek the guidance of your own doctor to see if this will work for you.