Sunday 11 February 2018

Neethi Shathaka, an ancient classical text book on Ayurveda says

                                  ‘Sarvendriyanam nayanam pradhanam‘.

In other words, Ayurveda considers the eye as the most important sense organ. This is because most of our daily activities are dependent on vision.

The Ayurvedic therapy for maintaining perfect eye health is Netra Tarpana.

"Netra" means eye, and "Tarpana" means nourishment.

The word Netra Tarpana means "nourishment for the eye".

Benefits of Netra Tarpana

Netra Tarpana has both curative and preventative effects. It’s indicated in Vata predominant conditions, atrophies, degeneration and even in visual defects.

During this process, warm medicated ghee is held in place over the eye for a period of 20-40 minutes.

Common medicated ghee is used for the process. The quantity of ghee to be used is such that it completely covers the eyelashes.

Practically, the duration of retention of the Tarpana ghee is 20 – 40 minutes, starting with 20 minute and gradually increasing in duration.

Commonly used medicines for Tarpana

Jivanthiya ghrita, Triphala ghrita, Sathahwadi Tarpana ghrita, Kakolyadi gana ghrita and others are common medicated ghees used in this treatment.

Friday 2 February 2018


          Consider the human body as an inverted tree. The roots are at the top and the branches point downwards. The head of the human body will be the root of this tree. The central portion of the body made up of the thorax and abdomen will be the trunk of this tree and the limbs, both upper and lower, will be the branches of this tree.
         Just like the roots nurture and control all the activities and well being of the tree, the head is the operational center of the entire body. It controls the function of the brain and spinal cord. It has many marmas or vital points and is the house of the master endocrine gland, the pituitary. It is one of the seats of Vata dosha (Prana Vata in particular) and also houses subtypes of Kapha dosha (tarpak kapha) and Pitta dosha (sadhak pitta).
         Note: The seat of sadhak Pitta, a subtype of Pitta dosha, is considered Hridaya which translated to English is ‘heart’. But in Ayurveda, Hidaya encompasses both heart and brain. So the head, which houses the brain, also becomes a seat of sadhak Pitta.
         Through the respective nerve centers in the brain, the head also controls the sense of hearing, smell, taste and sight.
         So as the three dosha are represented in the head region, any vitiation in the dosha can cause respective disorders with widespread repercussions in the whole body. Here shirodhara, through use of various mediums like oils, ghee and buttermilk, pacifies these dosha and works on the entire body indirectly.
         Shirodhara will make the head region strong so that the entire body works smoothly.